B2B Email Marketing


Our morning starts with sipping a nice cup of tea, updating ourselves with the news headlines and checking our emails. Isn’t it? About 4 billion people around the globe are accessing their email accounts on a regular basis. Emails are nothing but ‘electronic mails’ sent and received between two individuals and having an email account is the first stepping stone into the digital world. Therefore, the B2B companies have started turning their heads towards email marketing. They are constantly optimising and improving their marketing strategies to lure their audience through email marketing. Let us learn about email marketing, its benefits, some basic strategies and some examples as well.


Email marketing is a marketing channel that uses emailing platforms for delivering messages regarding businesses and that helps in generating sales. Many companies organize campaigns to promote the services and products they offer, through these emailing platforms, to be delivered to their target audience individually.

B2B email marketing is the type of email marketing where business related campaigns and messages are delivered to other businesses or professionals rather than individual customers. Companies tend to deliver promotional contents to their audience periodically. They often try to attract the other companies or firms using video contents or other creative contents, according to their field of business.


B2B email marketing is a powerful marketing channel with full control over the audience. Unlike LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram or any other social sites, where the company’s reach cannot be measured or controlled; in email marketing, companies have the list of their customers to whom they can deliver their promotional contents individually. The strictly planned and periodic delivery of promotional campaigns, videos, offers, bonuses or coupons to the customers, instils the urge within them to open the email and go through what the company offers. This is how B2B companies catch their customers’ attention and drive more traffic towards their campaign.

About 91% of the B2B marketers believe that email marketing is the most important marketing channel. Statistics have shown that email marketing provides more customer engagement, more lead generation, better reach to the interested audience and greater sales.


The key to struck success in marketing is laying out plans and goals first and then trying different ways to achieve those goals. Here are listed some of the important B2B email marketing strategies.

Learning about the Target Audience

Different companies offer different kinds of products and services and the first thing they keep in their minds, is identifying the interested crowd. According to this crowd’s needs and expectations, the companies tend to shape their strategic approach towards them, through emails.

Periodic Delivery of Emails

No matter how successful a company has become, they must never fail to deliver emails to the customers on a regular basis, informing them about offers, discounts, launching of new products and so on, offered by the company. This helps in better customer engagement and customer retention.

Use of Flashy Subject line

People get lots of emails daily and they do not go through all of them. So what can make them open a particular email? The more attractive the subject line is, the more audience tend to open the emails send by a company. Flashy subject lines with creative content can make up a perfect email for promotion purposes.

Personalizing the emails

Email is a personal way of communicating with others. Companies must plan to create such content that can build a personal connection with the customers so that they can rely on the company’s products in the future.


Asana uses good email marketing strategies to retain its customers. They send their customers emails to remind them about their to-do lists which ensure more customer engagement. This has instilled more reliability of customers on the company.


Buffer sends personalized emails to their customers. With an informal tone of addressing its customers through the emails, they manage to build better connection with their customers which has pulled them towards success.


Atlassian tends to deliver unique and innovative campaign contents to its customers that helps in luring them to go through the services that the company offers. This has successfully led the company’s reputation reach higher.


Emails have become an important part of our lives and many B2B companies are taking advantage of this and building their business empire through email marketing. Email marketing is not a picnic. For the best results, companies need to have a concrete strategic approach for email marketing. With these strategies, mentioned above, any newly formed or prevailing businesses can receive higher gains through email marketing.


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