B2B Marketing for Technology Companies

Technology is booming in every nook and corner of this world. We spend most of our times with technology. From television to mobiles phones, all have given us something we never expected prior to their invention. Now, several companies are applying new technologies to advance the functioning of these devices. Some have exceptionally succeeded while some are still struggling.

If your tech company comes under the ‘struggling’ category, then this article can help you understand the importance of marketing for increasing sales and gives you some tips as well. It also speaks about some of the issues that come in the path of these tech companies which they need to overcome before planning a marketing strategy.


Tech companies require special set of marketing techniques. Since they sell technical products or devices, it is difficult for some companies to flourish out in the technology market. There are several successful tech companies that have covered most of the market.

How can your tech company compete with them?

Here’s where you need an excellent marketing strategy. The perfect strategy that can easily persuade other businesses can help you boost your sales. It can create an impressive reputation of your company in the market. Proper marketing not only builds trust among the buyers but also helps you get in-depth buyer insights. This leads to healthy competition within the market and ultimately forces you to work harder.

But there are some visible issues or challenges faced by these technology companies which happen to be large hurdles in their paths. Let us check some of these challenges faced by tech companies.


B2B technology companies happen to face quite some challenges during their marketing. Listed below are some of the major problems faced by tech companies along with some possible solutions.

  • Companies face difficulties in managing multiple key stakeholders. Sometimes, they fail to communicate with all the stakeholders during decision making process.
    How to solve such a problem?
    You need to create detailed buyer personas so that you can connect with your stakeholders on a more personal level.
  • Tech companies are often not able to find leads and engage them in their business.
    How to solve such a problem?
    After understanding who are your ‘hot prospects’ and ‘cold leads’, you can focus your marketing techniques and resources to that group whose requirements entirely matches with your company’s offerings.
  • Since, B2B marketing strategies get applied on several marketing channels, it is tough to measure the ROI of the marketing efforts for some tech companies.
    How to solve such a problem?
    There are many excellent resources that can help your company measure the ROI on multiple channels and simultaneously, identify the right KPIs for your brand.
  • Many tech firms fail to upgrade their technology offerings to a level at par with the leading edge of B2B tech industry.
    How to solve such a problem?
    Your company needs to put enough focus on being fast, agile and flexible with the right marketing plan, when it comes to shaping the company’s products according to the changing times.
  • Tech companies are often not able to find leads and engage them in their business.


No doubt, good products sell themselves. But if that would have been the entire case scenario, then we would have never turned towards marketing. Since, that is not entirely true, there are certain marketing techniques that have proven to be effective for enhancing sales among B2B tech companies.

  • Gamification of your products
    The most dramatic form of lead generation is by gamifying your website. This means adding a more interactive display of your products. This enhances sales to a great extent as well as increases the conversions from potential buyers to permanent customers. There are several tools that can help you improve the look of your website and make your products more enticing.
  • Lead scoring system
    Lead scoring system refers to a structured plan followed by the sales team that are quite unique from the traditional sales enablement tricks. Your company should invest in sales enablement tools that can help your team work more efficiently. These tools can create customize email templates, automate email touch points, score high-quality leads to prioritize them and many more.
  • Gauging and optimizing campaigns
    You regularly post and promote contents about your tech products on multiple platforms. You also need to track the generation of leads from these platforms individually. There are tools that enable you to measure the maximum number of visitors that got converted into leads from which all platforms. This also shows how the campaigns are needed to be optimized or modified on the platforms that generate the least number of leads.
  • LinkedIn Marketing
    LinkedIn is the most professional platform where you can successfully reach to a wider audience. You can target specific leads through some paid social media campaigns. The company-based or role-based targeting enables shooting useful and helpful content to those users directly.
  • Blogging
    There are studies that can confirm that the B2B companies that blog generate about 66% more leads per month than the companies that do not blog. What did you learn from this? Consistent blogging and using keywords that your buyers use frequently can successfully build up clusters of content around technology topics. This will drive the tech companies more towards your content and campaigns.


Among many successful tech companies, your company might get lost in the sea of technological advancement. But these important B2B marketing strategies can lead your company to a much higher level. The major issues your company might face are also listed above along with their possible solutions. But you also have to remember that patience and dedication are the keys that can boost your business.


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