Pre-Event Marketing & Promotions

Businesses run the world. The best among them are those who present and provide the finest innovative ideas to the world. With great networking and excellent marketing, customers get more attracted towards the company and are left satisfied, and then the sales go up and up.

What best way can be other than events to grow your business?

Events are great platforms to present the best of a company. Creating pre-event buzz and promotion will ensure how successful your event is going to be.

This article will tell you all about pre-event marketing, its benefits, some strategies and some common mistakes made by companies.


Organizing various kinds of events is an intriguing part of promotion and marketing. However, these events are needed to be promoted as well.

The way event marketing serves as a channel for promoting the events, pre-event marketing opens doors, for the public, into the events in the same way. Pre-event marketing and promotion provide a steady flow of information and convincing contents to the customers, prospects, clients and other businesses. They also slip in the benefits of the events into the contents for the people to get excited about.

This sounds quite similar to event marketing. Is it the same or different?


Think of business as a whole. Is business similar to marketing? You want to say yes, but the actual answer is no.

Business refers to the selling of goods and services having monetary value. On the other hand, marketing refers to promoting the goods and services offered by the company. They are not the same but we can say that marketing is involved within business.

Similarly, event marketing refers to the wholesome combination of pre-event, post-event and during-event marketing. Therefore you can say that pre-event marketing is involved within event marketing.

But what is the opening move in a pre-event planning?


There is no such thing as ‘a perfect pre-event marketing strategy’ because different kinds of events require different preparations.

While preparing strategies for pre-event marketing, you need to focus on some important goals like proper announcement, mission statement and partner outreach. These basically form the structure of your pre-event strategies.

After getting the idea on the goals of pre-event marketing, you should get to know about some helpful strategies as well. Let’s see.


  1. Pre Event Page

The first goal of your team should be publicizing the events. They must open an event page or website for providing just enough information about the event to the public. An event page drives more traffic to the event as well and builds your SEO authority with Google.

  1. Blogging

Your website or page got many people engaged in your event. Now you have to tell those people about the real motive behind organizing the events. That is called the mission statement. You have to put forward your mission statement through innovative and intriguing contents posted regularly on the page.

  1. Social Media

The maximum craze for your event will generate from social media platforms only. Therefore, you have to promote the happenings, motive and benefits of your event on these platforms. You can try to create a ‘hash tag’ trend on your event to be applied everyone on social media sites.

  1. Email

Marketing through emails have been effectively successful over years. Therefore, first you have to create a contact list (of customers, prospects and registrations from the event page). Then the next step is inviting them to your event, through emails. You have to send regular updates about your event as well.

  1. Paid Promotion

You obviously need greater exposure of your event. For this, many companies opt for paid promotion. Paid promotion is nothing but paying other pages or websites to advertise about your event on the social media platforms. This helps your event to reach to more and more people which will surely help to increase the number of attendees.


All the strategies can no doubt create a successful event plan. But there some common mistakes committed by companies that can alter the deserving results.

  1. Not Enough Pre Event Buzz
  2. Lack of Communication among Different Departments
  3. Over-promising and Under-delivering
  4. Less Value given to Sponsors and Partners
  5. Neglecting Post Event Marketing


Organizing an event requires full-on dedication and impressive strategic approach. The real game is working hard on the pre-event planning for a successful and satisfactory event and post-event scenarios. Mistakes must be avoided as much as possible. The above-mentioned pre-event strategies will surely help you out on your next event.


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